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Sermon Illustrations about Presence of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Presence of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Ancient Mapmakers Marked 'Here Be Dragons'

Medieval cartographers (mapmakers) sketched hic sunt dragones (translated "there be dragons") on the edges of their maps. Those three words were used ...

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Former Inmate Starts to Miss His Prison Cell

Before walking out of jail a free man in February, Albert Woodfox spent 43 years almost without pause in an isolation cell, becoming the longest standing ...

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Logician Succumbs to Distorted Reality

Kurt Gödel was a history-making logician and mathematician who died in 1978. In his later years, while working at the renowned Institute for Advanced ...

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Buddhist Poet Longs for God's Presence

The following Buddhist poem, in the form of a "waka," was written in the 12th century by Saigyo Hoshi after he visited a Shinto Grand Temple:

Gods here? Who ...

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Fear Narrows the Circle of Our Lives

In 1975, Roger Hart conducted a study on where children felt safe to play. He focused on 86 children between the ages of three to twelve in a small town ...

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The Saving Power of Pizza

Ordering pizza every day may actually turn out to be a lifesaver. Just ask Oregon's Kirk Alexander, who is alive today because of his intense loyalty ...

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Our True ‘Cornerman’—the Holy Spirit

You might not know the name Angelo Dundee, but you've undoubtedly heard of Muhammad Ali, probably the most famous professional boxer of all time. For ...

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Hopelessly Hooked on Media

Americans spend an average of five and a half hours a day with digital media, more than half of that time on mobile devices, according to the research ...

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The Joys in Heaven Go on Forever

This world and its history are prelude and foretaste; all the sunrises and sunsets, symphonies and rock concerts, feasts and friendships are but whispers. ...

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Finding Christ's Presence in Cancer

On his 39th birthday, poet Christian Wiman was diagnosed with an incurable form of blood cancer. He wrote frankly about the agonizing effects of his illness ...

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