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Sermon Illustrations about Principles

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Principles to help bring your sermon to life.

Google Couldn't Define Evil

Twenty years ago, at the moment of its IPO announcement, the most powerful company in the world declared that “Don’t be evil” would ...

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Crass Mob Mentality Traced to Counterculture Comedy

Washington Post columnist Ty Burr believes the current American political climate is characterized by a sense of crass rule-breaking and flagrant boorishness. ...

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Americans Now Reject Moral Absolutes

Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis of truth and morality. Not anymore. A new study shows that most Americans reject any absolute boundaries ...

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False Assumptions About Others

Author Todd Rose makes the point that our tendency to make false assumptions, or fall into collective illusions, can result in mistrust, discouragement, ...

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'In The Heart of the Sea'—A Seaman's Integrity

Based on actual events, In The Heart of the Sea is a 2015 recounting of a New England whaling ship's sinking by a colossal white whale in 1820. The ...

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Poll Reveals Our Six-Part 'New Moral Code'

An August 2015 poll from Barna highlighted what's been called our "new moral code." Here are the percentages of those who agreed "completely" ...

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Skydiving Needs Absolute Rules, not Relativism

If you go skydiving at the Southwest Florida Skydiving Club in Punta Gorda, Florida, you can count on two things: (1) an exciting experience and (2) the ...

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Famous Board Game Reflects Our Changing Values

The hugely popular board game by Milton Bradley called The Game of Life went through the following variations—all of which reflect the changing ...

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Violating God's Law Is Like Putting Our Hand in Fire

Dorothy Sayers, the mystery writer, was also a devoted Christian. Dorothy Sayers was attempting to explain the moral law of God. She pointed out that ...

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Father Confronts Indecency at the Mall

Christian author and speaker Dennis Rainey recounts a story of visiting a clothing store with his 13-year-old daughter. While he was waiting inside the ...

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