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Sermon Illustrations about Prisons

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prisons to help bring your sermon to life.

Mark Wahlberg on the Change God Made in His Life

Mark Wahlberg got into trouble in his youth. He often skipped school and had run-ins with police. At the age of 16, he robbed a convenience store, resulting ...

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Inmate’s Amazed Joy on Coming Home After Years in Prison

What's it like to walk free again after years behind bars? Lee Horton and his brother Dennis know the feeling. They were convicted of robbery and ...

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Know Your Worth

Country music star Merle Haggard wrote the following lyrics after spending years in and out of prison:

When they let me out of prison, I held my head up ...

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Judge Lobbies for Release of Man He Sentenced to Life in Prison

When an envoy visited the White House to advocate for an inmate serving a life sentence, most of the headlines went toward fashion model and lifestyle ...

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Mayor Sentenced for Fraudulent Children's Book Scheme

Former mayor of Baltimore Catherine Pugh was sentenced to federal prison for her role in a fraudulent scheme to defraud taxpayers, a scheme which involved ...

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A Royal Birth Leads to Pardons

When Pricess Lalla Salma gave birth to a daughter named Lalla Khadija, her husband King Mohammed VI of Morocco was delighted. In fact, he wanted to celebrate. ...

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This Toy Factory Gives Away All the Toys for Free

A long-haul truck driver recently walked into Tiny Tim’s Toy Foundation in West Jordan, Utah, and asked for a box of toys. Owner Alton Thacker gave ...

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Unjustly Imprisoned Man Credits Mom, God for Sustenance During Ordeal

A recently exonerated man credited his faith in God and the support of his mother for his ability to endure 24 years of wrongful incarceration. Dontae ...

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Former Inmate Gets Job Back After DNA Exoneration

Nevest Coleman resumed his job as a groundskeeper for the Chicago White Sox after an unexpected hiatus left him unavailable to work-for 23 years. In 1994, ...

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Prison Art Program Gives Second Chance to Inmates

The Indigenous Arts In Prisons & Community program, also known as The Torch, has become an incredible boon for inmates in Victoria, Australia. It ...

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