Sermon Illustrations about Procrastination
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Procrastination to help bring your sermon to life.
Golfer Loses $240,000 for Not Golfing Faster
Polish golfer Adrian Meronk stood over his second shot on the 18th hole of a pro tournament on March 3rd, 2024 and saw another opportunity to climb up ...
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Procrastinators Helped by Using ‘Monk Mode’
Cameron Perrin, a 26-year-old software engineer, talks about his experience with the productivity hack known as "monk mode:"
As a person who ...
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Younger Generation Lacks Interest in Working
Do you realize that 30 percent of all men of working age in this culture are not working? There are many reasons for this. Some workers lack the skills ...
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Scientist Describes the Problem of Living Forever
Worldwide, 60 million people die annually from any or all causes. That's about two deaths every second. In his most recent book, astrophysicist Neil ...
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Doctor Laments Lives Lost from Misinformation
They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. But for one doctor, the cost of lacking such prevention is much more costly. In fact, it’s ...
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Leonardo Da Vinci - The Great Procrastinator
Leonardo da Vinci is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived. As an artist, he is known for The Last Supper ...
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The Safest Person on Earth
In October of 2019, Bert terHart boarded a 40’ ocean fairing sailboat and set sail from Victoria, BC. His objective was to become the first North ...
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The Great Fitness Scam
A new report from the Global Wellness Institute, a nonprofit focused on research in preventative health and wellness, found that Americans spent $264.6 ...
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The Woman Who Was Too Busy for Christmas
The Italians have a legend about a woman named Befana who lived along the dusty road that led to Bethlehem. She was her village’s best housekeeper. ...
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Grandmothers 19 Times More Likely to Die Before College Exams
In his book, Dan Ariely talks about our tendency to be dishonest when we're in a tough spot. John Ortberg expounds on it in his book, Soul Keeping: ...
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