Sermon Illustrations about Promises
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Promises to help bring your sermon to life.
You Can't Exhaust Lake Tahoe's Water Supply
Lake Tahoe is the eighth deepest lake in the world. On July 4, 1875, two men discovered the deepest point in the lake to be 1645 feet by lowering a weighted ...
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Pollyanna's 'Glad Game' Versus True Hope
The 1960 film Pollyanna starring Hayley Mills, based on the novel by Eleanor H. Porter, written in 1913 was released. The lead character's full name ...
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Apollo 13 Blackout vs. 400 Years of Silence
To illustrate the 400-years of silence prior to the coming of Jesus, Del Tackett compares it to the Apollo 13 incident. On the evening of April 13, when ...
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Jesus' Shadow or Real Presence?
John Piper gave the following illustration to children and their parents, to explain what Christmas is:
Kids, suppose you and your mom get separated in ...
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The Secret to Effective Tightrope Walking
There's a special word for those tightrope walkers who display amazing feats of balance on a high wire—they're called funambulists. In his ...
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Sailboat on the Ocean Loses It's Keel and Ballast
Michael Plant was experienced and passionate about sailing the ocean's wild winds. But his third trip around the world was different. He designed ...
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People Play the Lotto despite Ridiculous Odds
Forty-five states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, run lotteries [as of September 2024 …. According ...
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Man Miraculously Rescued from Capsized Ship
On May 26, 2013 at 4:30 A.M. the Jascon 4, one of three tugboats towing an oil freighter off the coast of Nigeria, started to sink. Harrison Odjegba Okene, ...
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Memorized Psalm Helps 56 Years Later
Gordon MacDonald writes:
In the fall of 1956, I began my final year at the Stony Brook School, then a boys' college preparatory school in New York. ...
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A Native American Prophecy of Christmas
In 1740 the Skitswish, a small Native American tribe in northern Idaho, had a prophet/chief named Circling Raven of whom it was said he could communicate ...
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