Sermon Illustrations about Psychology
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Psychology to help bring your sermon to life.
The Dangers in Daycare
Strangers, not parents, provide early childhood care.
A long-term government study has discovered "that kids who spend long hours in day care have ...
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Why Failure Lingers
Failures take on a life of their own because the brain remembers incomplete tasks or failures longer than any success or completed activity. It’s ...
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Great Therapy
Karl Menninger, the [late] psychiatrist, was asked what someone should do who feels on the verge of a nervous breakdown. His advice? "Lock your house, ...
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Guilt Exchange
Western culture has made a fundamental change in its religious base. We have exchanged that One who said, "I am the Truth" (John 14:6) for the ...
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Not My Fault
When someone opposes us, it's all too easy to consider that person the evil one.
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The Word of God and Psychology
Living the Word of God is much more basic to helping people than psychology will ever be.
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Psychology and the Bible
After many years of studying human behavior at one of the finest universities in the world, Harvard psychiatrist Robert Coles remarked, "Nothing ...
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The Best Place to Learn
You can learn more about human nature by reading the Bible than by living in New York.
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Not My Fault
We have a society which is psychiatrized in the same sense in which medieval European society was Christianized, religionized--everything was a matter ...
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Fifth-Rate Psychotherapy
People are asking questions that traditional churches can no longer answer for them. ... There are a lot of self-help, pseudo-therapy groups whose basic ...
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