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Sermon Illustrations about Purity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Purity to help bring your sermon to life.

The Holy Spirit Helps Clean Areas We Overlook

In his recent book, Daniel Rice shares the story of Pastor Matt Chandler who came home one night and found his son in the living room playing a game on ...

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The Sovereign Delusion of Lust

Pastor and author Paul David Tripp uses the following scenario to describe what's really going on every time a man chooses to lust (or anytime anyone ...

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Casual Sex is not More Fun or Less Complicated

Our casual hookup culture may promise greater independence and excitement. It's a means to sex without too many (or any) strings attached. But that lack ...

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Self-Sacrificial Love Gives Way to Cheap Sex

Kevin, a 24-year-old recent college graduate from Denver, wants to get married someday and is "almost 100% positive" that he will. But not soon, he says, ...

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Cheap Sex is the New Norm

Marriage in the US is in open retreat. As recently as 2000, married 25- to 34-year-olds outnumbered their never-married peers by a margin of 55% to 34%, ...

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How Much Sin Could God Allow Into Heaven?

In his book (Re)union, Bruxy Cavey asks the question:

How much sin do you think it would be wise for God to let into heaven? What would be the acceptable ...

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Porn Use among Young Adults Surges when No One Helps Them

According to Barna Research, more than half of teens seek out pornography, and the numbers are much higher for young adults (ages 18 to 24). Even when ...

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'Rubbish Party' Wins Seat in Scottish Election

Politics headlines may constantly flood the news, but in case you missed it, here's a headline that came out of the United Kingdom recently: "Scotland's ...

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Can Salted Doorknobs Prevent Superbug Infections?

Who knew that there might be a powerful ally in the modern battle against infectious disease—old-fashioned salt? A recent article from The Atlantic ...

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C.S. Lewis Talks to a Dog About Lust

People sometimes think of Christian morality as a straitjacket—as if God gave us random commands that we must keep in order to prove our devotion ...

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