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Sermon Illustrations about Quarreling

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Quarreling to help bring your sermon to life.

Too Much or Too Little Conflict Creates Stress

A Danish health survey asked almost 10,000 people between ages 36 and 52, "In your everyday life, do you experience conflicts with any of the following ...

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Divorced Couple Splits House in Half

Simon and Chana Taub seem to agree on only one thing: The house is mine.

The couple wants a divorce, but both of them refuse to move out of their New York ...

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Fellowship Is a Double-Edged Sword

People in the church are like porcupines in a snowstorm. We need each other to keep warm, but we prick each other if we get too close.

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Our Most Deadly Enemy

Research indicates that the spotted owls' greatest threat may be not logging, but one of its relatives. For the past fifteen years, the barred owl ...

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Serving the Other Side

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that firefighters in Genoa, Texas, were accused of deliberately setting more than forty destructive fires. When ...

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Change What You Can

From research and personal experience I've come to the conclusion that in every church 16 percent of the members will never change. The tragedy is ...

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