Sermon Illustrations about Racism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Racism to help bring your sermon to life.
Jesse Owens Values German's Encouragement
Jesse Owens seemed sure to win the long jump at the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin, Germany. Just the year before, he had set three world records in one ...
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Poet Auden Abandons Humanism
John Yenchko tells how W. H. Auden, a 20th-century Pulitzer Prize winning poet, playwright, and literary critic was converted:
Auden saw a movie in 1940 ...
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Forgiveness in South Africa
A South African woman stood in an emotionally charged courtroom, listening to white police officers acknowledge the atrocities they had perpetrated in ...
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The Background of "Amazing Grace"
"Amazing Grace"--Americans' favorite hymn according to the Gallup Poll--was written by the former captain of a slave ship. That "wretch," ...
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No Democracy with God
For centuries people have blocked, frustrated, humiliated, and oppressed other people to "keep them in their place." Whites have done this wickedness ...
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The Miracle of Reconciliation
One sign and wonder, biblically speaking, that alone can prove the power of the gospel is that of reconciliation. ... Hindus can produce as many miracles ...
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Prejudice, the Worst Evil
There is no more evil thing in this world than race prejudice. It justifies and holds together more baseness, cruelty, and abomination than any other ...
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Jesus Gives Us Dreams
I work with inner-city kids, and the society hasn't beaten them down yet. I deal with African-American kids and Latino kids on the streets of Philadelphia. ...
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The Real Answer to Racism
Racism isn't a bad habit; it's not a mistake; it's a sin. The answer is not sociology; it's theology.
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The Courage of a Child
In A Pretty Good Person, Lewis Smedes writes:
A federal judge had ordered New Orleans to open its public schools to African-American children, and the ...
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