Sermon Illustrations about Rationalization
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rationalization to help bring your sermon to life.
The People Cheering for Humanity's End
Climate anxiety and environmental destruction have been added to the list of apocalyptic fears. Nuclear war is now no longer our only worry. A large group ...
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The Apology His Kids Needed
Author Pete Greig shares the following story in How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People:
I was walking the darkened streets near our house one night, ...
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Good Definition of Worldliness
Author David Wells asks:
What is worldliness? (It is) that system of values, in any given age, which has at its center our fallen human perspective, which ...
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Brandi Carlile's 'Spiritual Shift'
In an interview with Terri Gross, Grammy Award winning songwriter/singer Brandi Carlile was asked about her church’s refusal to baptize her when ...
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Only After Sundown
In 2013, New York City narcotics agents announced an unusual indictment of five Brooklyn men. These types of indictments are, unfortunately, commonplace ...
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Visitors Cited for Boiling Chicken in Yellowstone Hot Spring
When a group of friends and families decided to hike to Shoshone Geyser Basin in Yellowstone, they tried to come prepared for the unexpected. But what ...
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The 18-Mile-Long Wire Hidden Above Manhattan
It's hard to imagine that anything literally hanging from utility poles across Manhattan could be considered "hidden." But throughout the ...
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Refusing to Believe Answered Prayer
Author Anne Bokma left her fundamentalist Christian church in her 20s. She recently spent a full year investigating and experimenting with numerous forms ...
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How a Beatle's Album Answers Objections to the Bible
In an interview about his recent book (2020), apologist Timothy Paul Jones was asked:
In your final chapter, you talk about how one barrier to the faith ...
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The Craziest Late-to-Work Excuses
The rain, a pileup on the freeway—"the boss has heard them all," said Gene Marks in The Washington Post. Excuses for being late to work ...
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