Sermon Illustrations about Reality
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Reality to help bring your sermon to life.
The Resurrection is Based on Objective Facts not Personal Opinion
Jesus’ resurrection either happened or it didn't. It is objective reality; and so it cannot be true for one person and false for another. To ...
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Court Rejects Man’s Attempt to Legally Change His Age
Applicant Emile Ratelband petitioned a Dutch court to change his official date of birth. Ratelband, a motivational speaker and hedonist, wanted his official ...
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‘Someone Has a Real Problem - Oh, It’s Me!’
Travis Collins writes in “What Does It Mean to Be Welcoming?”:
My friend Barry Thomas and I went camping at Sherando Lake a few summers ago. ...
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New York City Photographer Learns How to Look
David Finn, an acclaimed professional photographer and lifelong New Yorker, wrote a fascinating book, How to Look At Everything. Finn recounts how he ...
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The Religion That Brings People the Greatest Happiness
In a question and answer period after one of his lectures, C.S. Lewis was asked which of the world's religions gives its followers the greatest happiness. ...
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Book Explores the Power of Rust
In his book Rust: The Longest War, Jonathan Waldman takes us chapter by chapter into the world of oxidation and the problem of rust. He tells the story ...
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We Want Our Mechanic and Our Doctor to Speak the Truth
Imagine picking your car up from the shop after a routine tune-up, and the technician says, "This car is in great shape. Clearly you have an automotive ...
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Alleged Stradivarius Is Merely an Imitation
In an episode of the History Channel's reality show about a Las Vegas pawn shop, a man brought in a violin and asked for an appraisal. According to ...
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A Lesson from the Life of the "Tone-Deaf Diva"
Florence Foster Jenkins, a soprano, loved to sing—especially the great operatic classics. She inherited money when she was in her 50s, which funded ...
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Nine Big Questions of Every Worldview
Author Darrell Johnson, drawing inspiration from James Sire and N.T. Wright, says that every worldview is asking and trying to answer the following nine ...
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