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Sermon Illustrations about Rebirth

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Rebirth to help bring your sermon to life.

Fresh Waters Reverse the Flow of the Chicago River

In October 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed much of the bustling city of Chicago. But, surprisingly, the flames actually started on the other side ...

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Chicago Man Discovers His Real Name

The headline in the Chicago Tribune was poignant: "Living a Life Unknown." The subhead said, "Dozens of John, Jane Does turn up yearly ...

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Russian Pastor Reminds Outcasts of Their God-given Dignity

In his book Your Church Is Too Safe, Mark Buchanan shares the following story about a Russian pastor named Father John Sergieff. Buchanan writes:

John ...

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Raphael's Master Painting Restored after Ten-Year Project

In November of 2008 one of the greatest masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance was restored to its original splendor and returned to its home at the ...

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God Has Surprising Ways to Raise Up the Church's Next Leaders

Russell Moore recounts a memorable conversation with the evangelical theologian Carl F. H. Henry. As Moore and some of his friends were lamenting the ...

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Suicide Plan Becomes an Instrument of Redemption

In his sermon "A God Who Redeems," Philip Griffin writes:

During the early days of our church plant in Texas we were baptizing lots of people ...

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'Unwanted' Indian Girls Receive a New Name

In October, 2011, the Associated Press ran a deeply moving story about a name-changing ceremony for girls in Mumbai, India. At birth the 285 girls had ...

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Christmas Carol Points to the Gift Christ Wants—Our Hearts

In 1872 the poet Christina Rossetti wrote a poem that only appeared after her death. About thirty years later the poem was set to music and titled "A ...

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The Three Stages of Faith in Christ

Theologian Alister McGrath outlines the following three stages of receiving what Christ did for us on the cross:

[First], I may believe that God is promising ...

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Former POW Forgives the Guard Who Terrorized Him

In her book, Unbroken, Laura Hildenbrand (author of Seabiscuit) recounts the amazing true story of World War II veteran and prisoner-of-war survivor Louis ...

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