Sermon Illustrations about Regret
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Regret to help bring your sermon to life.
Fighter Jet Forced to Land after Self-Inflicted Bullet Damage
In January, the Dutch Defense Safety Inspection Agency launched an investigation about an F-16 fighter that suffered damage from 20-millimeter cannon ...
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Happiness with Regret
A New York Timesarticle entitled “Can Money Buy Happiness?” notes the wealthy often struggle to balance the benefit and the burden of affluence. ...
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Hospice Nuns’ Gifts Stolen; Thief Changes Mind
For the nuns of the Little Sisters of the Poor, kindness is a discipline that is its own reward. But occasionally, their acts of kindness yield more tangible ...
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Former Hitman Sues TV Show for Depicting His Mafia Past for Daughter to See
Pasquale di Filippo was horrified recently by the violence his daughter was exposed to on television—violence he was partially responsible for.
The ...
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Sinkholes and Choices
Have you ever seen a sinkhole? Cars can be parked on a street day after day, and everything appears normal, then one day the asphalt caves in and cars ...
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The Regrets of the Father of the Web
The inventor of the World Wide Web is horrified by what has become of his creation, said Katrina Brooker in Vanity Fair. Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee ...
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Anthony Bourdain Reflects On Battling Hedonism
Celebrity chef, writer, and TV personality Anthony Bourdain, who wore a tattoo on his arm that read in ancient Greek, "I am certain of nothing," ...
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Canine Cancer Prognosis Traced to Teddy Bear Romp
The signs weren't good for Maisy, an 8-year-old St. Bernard.
Her owner Jane Dickinson brought Maisy to the Paragon Veterinary Referrals Clinic, where ...
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Casual Sex is not More Fun or Less Complicated
Our casual hookup culture may promise greater independence and excitement. It's a means to sex without too many (or any) strings attached. But that ...
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Goose Shot from Sky Falls, Knocks Maryland Hunter Unconscious
A hunter was hospitalized after a goose fell from midair and landed on him.
Robert Meilhammer, 51, was out hunting with three others when his party noticed ...
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