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Sermon Illustrations about Relaxation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Relaxation to help bring your sermon to life.

How Do We Relax?

How do we relax? Mostly through the escapism offered by movies, TV, and the Internet. 41% enjoy superhero movies (Morning Consult). Almost all of us like ...

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The Blessing of Occasional Solitude

The Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station sits upon two miles of glacial ice at the bottom of the world. It is one of the remotest places on the planet, more ...

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True Rest Eludes Most of Us

True rest seems to be elusive for most Americans. Only one in seven adults (14 percent) set aside a day a week for rest. And on that one day a week, what ...

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Study Shows that Sleep Actually Shrinks Our Brains

Proper sleep habits have long been understood as essential to physical and mental health, but the exact reasons why have still remained a matter of scientific ...

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Is Peace the Absence of People?

While elaborating on loving one's neighbor, apologist Michael Ramsden spoke of a colleague who while in Asia asked his audience to close their eyes ...

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We Pretend To Be Busier Than We Are

An article on Quartz begins, "In an era of limitless technology and information, life can feel at once empowering and overwhelming—especially ...

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World's Quietest Spot Will Drive You Nuts

Everybody seems to be looking for a little peace and quiet these days. But even such a reasonable idea can go too far. The quietest place on earth, an ...

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Decline in Sleeping Hours Reduces Productivity

According to Charles Czeisler, the chief of the Division of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at Brigham and Women's Hospital, over the past five decades ...

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Doctor Identifies New Epidemic—Busyness

Dr. Susan Koven practices internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. In a Boston Globe column, she wrote:

In the past few years, I've observed ...

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Controlling Your Schedule

I'm constantly amazed by the number of people who can't seem to control their own schedules. Over the years, I've had many executives come ...

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