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Sermon Illustrations about Remorse

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Remorse to help bring your sermon to life.

Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct Launching Comeback Without Apology

Some high-profile men accused of sexual misconduct are moving on with their careers without admitting to wrongdoing. Louis C.K., Les Moonves, and Garrison ...

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The Regrets of the Father of the Web

The inventor of the World Wide Web is horrified by what has become of his creation, said Katrina Brooker in Vanity Fair. Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee ...

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Anonymous Online Confessions Trend Up in Popularity

A trend continues to take place in the online world of anonymity. Several websites offer the opportunity to air one's darkest confessions. Visitors ...

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Research Predicts You're Hiding 13 Secrets

A study has found that the average person is holding onto 13 secrets, five of which they've never told a living soul. And it's not the secret ...

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Religion Is on the Decline but Guilt Persists

In a New York Times article, columnist David Brooks argues, "Religion my be in retreat, but guilt seems as powerfully present as ever." To make ...

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Scientific Studies on the Consequences of Secrets

The Bible has a lot to say about confession of sin and confessing our needs to one another. Harboring deep and painful secrets is damaging spiritually, ...

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HSAM—a Medical Condition Where People Can Not Forget

While the Bible depicts forgetting mostly in dire terms related to apostasy, it also presents some instances when it is a blessing. There are some things ...

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'This American Life': We've All Had Regrets

On an episode of This American Life, a radio show and podcast, host Ira Glass says:

Some regrets just never go away. People tell us that they forgive us. ...

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Professor Posts a 'Failure Resume'

We all have failures in our careers. But usually we keep quiet about it. Not this Princeton professor, who recently shared his CV of failures on Twitter ...

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'Challenger' Engineer Still Regrets Launch that Killed Seven

NPR ran a heartbreaking interview with Robert Ebeling, an engineer who worked on the 1986 Challenger launch that resulted in the death of all seven occupants. ...

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