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Sermon Illustrations about Renewing the mind

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Renewing the mind to help bring your sermon to life.

What Do Happy Teens Do?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 32% of teens 13-18 years old struggle with an anxiety disorder. There’s a lot we could go ...

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Man Receives First 3D Printed Tibia Replacement

Surgeons in Australia, in 2017, successfully performed a world-first transplant surgery. They installed a 3D printed tibia into the leg of Reuben Lichter, ...

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NFL Player Reprimands Jersey-Clad Fan Crime

Sometimes NFL fans are embarrassed by the players they cheer for when they get into scrapes with the law. But this time, the proverbial football cleat ...

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There is no Repentance without Risk and Vulnerability

There’s a powerful scene in a novel written by the South African writer Alan Paton. The story centers on a young police lieutenant, husband, and ...

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New Insight into the Miracle of Metamorphosis

Until recently, the only way to study how a caterpillar changes into a butterfly was to cut open the chrysalis or x-ray it—both with fatal results. ...

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Novelist Arrested After Writing How-to-Murder-Husband Essay

Nancy Crampton-Brophy, self-published romance novelist, had been married to Daniel Brophy, culinary chef, for more than 25 years. When her husband was ...

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Media Exposes Children to 15,330 Violent Acts a Year

In his book, Jeffrey Froh writes that an American child who watches three hours of children's television programming a day will see 4,380 good acts ...

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We Are Ambassadors for Christ Not for Ourselves

In season one, episode eight of the Netflix series, The Crown, a drama following the life of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen travels to Ceylon on a diplomatic ...

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The Power of Positive Habits Can Change Our Destiny

In his book, Worry Less, Live More, Robert Morgan shares the beneficial effects that habits can have in our lives:

The word practice implies we must go ...

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Turns Out You Really Are what You Eat

According to CNN, ranchers of the prized breed of cattle known as Wagyu go to great lengths to enhance the already legendary flavor of their beef. They ...

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