Sermon Illustrations about Reputation
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Reputation to help bring your sermon to life.
Citizens Encouraged to Evaluate Police
Police officer Chris Ford tries to be courteous in all of the interactions he has with citizens during his shifts on traffic patrol. All of Ford’s ...
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Confusion Between Canadian Dish and Russian President
As the Russian invasion into Ukraine drags onward, international approval ratings of Russian president Vladimir Putin have been, pardon the term, tanking. ...
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Fixing Our Privacy Settings
In an issue of CT magazine blogger and church planter Chris Ridgeway writes:
The digital voice assistant from Amazon hears me shoulder my way into the ...
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The Last Lecture
Back in 2007, computer science professor Randy Pausch delivered a lecture at Carnegie Mellon University. He called the lecture “Really Achieving ...
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What You Do with Your Shopping Cart Says a Lot About You
Are you a good person? There’s an easy way to tell, according to the Internet at least. It’s based on what you do with a shopping cart when ...
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MLB Player Christy Mathewson Was a Christian Role Model
Filmmaker Ken Burns won an Emmy for his nine-part PBS documentary Baseball. In the second episode set in the year 1900, the New York Giants traded for ...
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The Surprising Patron Saint of Truthfulness
Historian, philosopher, and author Richard Reevesis is a senior fellow at the think tank Brookings Institution. He is concerned that most people can’t ...
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Matthew McConaughey on His Faith in God
If you were casting a modern-day David from the Old Testament, he may be portrayed by Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. Matthew is truly a man after ...
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How Long Do Footprints Last on the Moon?
The first footprints put on the moon will probably be there a long, long time—maybe almost as long as the moon itself lasts. Unlike on Earth, there ...
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Demi Lovato: ‘Living for Affirmation Does Not Fill the Void in Our Heart’
Demi Lovato and the Australian singer/songwriter Sam Fisher recently collaborated on a piece titled “What Other People Say” that reveals this ...
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