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Sermon Illustrations about Respect

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Respect to help bring your sermon to life.

Rejected College Recruit Motivated into NFL Standout

Darius Leonard has practiced the pivot from feeling disrespected to feeling motivated and being at peace. It’s a pivot he’s done plenty of ...

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Famous CEOs Who Write Personal Thank You Notes

Each year, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg gives himself a personal discipline challenge. In 2013, it was to meet a new person who doesn't ...

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Self-Proclaimed ‘Old Coots’ Offer Life Advice at Farmers Market

The group of retired friends who meet every Saturday morning at a Salt Lake City deli were growing tired of the same conversation each week. Sure, they ...

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Air Force Academy Head Challenges Racism on Campus

After racial slurs were scrawled outside black students' doors at the US Air Force Academy's preparatory school, Superintendent Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria ...

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It Pays to Give Thanks at the Office

In a survey of 2,000 Americans on gratitude, some 80 percent agreed that receiving gratitude makes them work harder, but only 10 percent managed to express ...

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Old Trees don't Get Taller, They Bulk Up like a Bodybuilder

Old trees may not grow taller every year, but they do keep bulking up—like a human bodybuilder. That's the summary of recent research into the life ...

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New Commercial Pairs Together People of Opposite Political Opinions

It seems everything we see in media has a political tinge to it these days, and television commercials appear to be no exception. Some have been offering ...

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God Uses the Young but Saves His Best Work for the Mature

Os Guinness argues that God can use and has used people in their youth, but God also has accomplished some of his best work through people more advanced ...

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Black Actor Achieves Breakthrough Role on 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood'

A 2016 episode on NPR's "StoryCorps" interviewed Francois Clemmons, who played the role of friendly Officer Clemmons on Mr. Rogers' ...

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Country Bumpkin Lawyer Surprises His Legal Team

In the 1840s a court case based in Chicago captured the attention of the entire nation. Labeled "The Reaper Case," it centered on the patenting ...

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