Sermon Illustrations about Restoration
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Google Lets Users Scrub Personal Info
Unless you’re Chuck Norris, Googling yourself is rarely a pleasant experience. Finding information that is confidential, intimately personal, or ...
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Electrician Traces Success to Lenient Judge
Tom Hallman, Jr., a reporter for The Oregonian, recently chronicled a young man’s turnaround in the daily newspaper, highlighting the pivotal nature ...
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God Is Like a Doctor Resuscitating a Bride
In his book, Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen, Pastor Scott Sauls writes:
During rehearsal, I always warn bridesmaids to keep their knees slightly ...
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The Apology His Kids Needed
Author Pete Greig shares the following story in How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People:
I was walking the darkened streets near our house one night, ...
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Woman Blessed After Returning Cash
Sixty-five-year-old Dianne Gordon had a job at VC’s Marketplace in Waterford Township, but she lived in White Lake Township. After her Jeep Liberty ...
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What Happens to Flood-Damaged Cars?
Thousands of cars are damaged or destroyed by floods every year, but don’t assume all those vehicles end up in a junkyard. Some are repaired and ...
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Sheep Really Do Need a Shepherd
A sheep named Baarack received a much-needed shearing after rescuers in Australia found the abandoned animal with more than 75 pounds of wool weighing ...
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Company Recycles Used Electronics for Precious Metals
Ever wonder what happens to all the laptops, cell phones, and other electronics people use after they’re done with them? Some of them end up at ...
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City Repairs and Sells Discards from Landfills
Every day, several large trucks full of discarded goods arrive at a warehouse in the eastern suburbs of Hamburg, Germany, before being sorted through ...
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Man Restores Church Desecrated by Satanists
In June of 1992, Gloria Davey and a few friends were walking in the English countryside. When they stopped for a rest, they discovered a ruined church ...
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