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Sermon Illustrations about Restoration

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Restoration to help bring your sermon to life.

Forgiving Those Who Hurt Us

Writer William Nix shares this story in his book Character Works:

Mark Gagnon worked as a clerk in the North Hampton, Massachusetts, store owned by James ...

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Redemption: "System Restore"

One feature of Microsoft Windows is its "system restore" feature. How does it work? Suppose you suffer a system crash on your computer this ...

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Failure or Opportunity?

Somebody asked Winston Churchill one time, "What most prepared you to lead Great Britain through World War II?" For a period of time, Great ...

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Who Will Save the Drowning?

I had an experience from which I will not soon recover. As many of you know, I am associated with the Dallas Cowboys. They graciously invited my wife ...

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Resurrected Marriages

I have seen resurrection in marriage after marriage when the persons became genuinely convicted by their sin and did not see divorce as an option.

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Resisting God's Miracles

When [our son] John Mark was 4 years old, he was out playing in the back yard and got a splinter in his foot. He came in and held up his foot. He was ...

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God Bought Back His Sheep

There's a line in the Old Testament written by Isaiah that tells the result of God's gamble, (Isaiah 53:6): "We all, like sheep, have gone ...

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No Restoration Without Forgiveness

There can be no restoration of the marriage without genuine forgiveness. Unfortunately forgiveness doesn't usually occur until the anger has been ...

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