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Sermon Illustrations about Revival

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Revival to help bring your sermon to life.

Guide Tells River Rafters: Stay in the Rough Water

Palmer Chinchen writes in “True Religion”:

My brothers and I had traveled to the western edge of Zimbabwe to raft the Zambezi River. We boarded ...

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A Youth Group Witnesses a Spiritual Harvest in Afghanistan

In his most recent book What Good Is God?, Philip Yancey writes:

This is a true story from Afghanistan that took place in the early 1970s, before the Russian ...

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Former POW Forgives the Guard Who Terrorized Him

In her book, Unbroken, Laura Hildenbrand (author of Seabiscuit) recounts the amazing true story of World War II veteran and prisoner-of-war survivor Louis ...

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The Fire of a Spiritual Awakening

I doubt if there is a problem—political or economic—that will not melt before the fire of a spiritual awakening.

—President Franklin ...

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Coma Patient Wakes Up to a Different World

In 1988, a failed effort at attaching two train cars left Polish railway worker Jan Grzebski with massive head injuries. The damage was so extensive that ...

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A Prayer for Disturbance

Explorer Sir Francis Drake prayed:

Disturb us, Lord, when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we have dreamed ...

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Schoolteacher Started African Revival

In 1935, Blasio Kugosi, a schoolteacher in Rwanda, Central Africa, was deeply discouraged by the lack of life in the church and the powerlessness of his ...

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Hymn-Singing at the Core of 18th-Century Revival

One of the most notable, but least studied, aspects of the 18th-century revivals that led to the rise of modern evangelicalism was the disputed place ...

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Why "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Worked

[Eighteenth century pastor and theologian Jonathan Edwards'] most famous composition, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" (1741)…is ...

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"National Geographic" Writer Converted at Alabama Revival

Peter Jenkins began a five-year, 4,500-mile walk across America in October of 1973. First published as two articles in National Geographic, his memoirs ...

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