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Sermon Illustrations about Righteousness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.

Google Couldn't Define Evil

Twenty years ago, at the moment of its IPO announcement, the most powerful company in the world declared that “Don’t be evil” would ...

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Feeling Clean or Being Clean

In his bookStart with Why, Simon Sinek discusses the importance of motivation in a very interesting section titled “It’s What You Can’t ...

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NYPD Fools Facial Recognition Software with Celebrity Pics

A recent investigative report alleges that the New York Police Department routinely abused facial recognition software by submitting photos of celebrity ...

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Starch Recognized as Sixth Primary Taste

Conventional wisdom surrounding the function of taste buds focuses on five essential types of flavor sensations: sweet, salty, savory, sour and bitter. ...

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Builders Use 'Piles' In Manhattan Skyscrapers

The island of Manhattan consists almost entirely of bare granite, a very hard and strong type of rock. To carry the weight of a 75- or 100-story skyscraper, ...

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Bridge Collapses Due to Weak Structure

In 2007, the I-35 bridge that crosses the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, collapsed suddenly during rush hour, killing 13 people and injuring ...

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Words That Have Changed Meaning Over Time

Words change meaning over time in ways that might surprise you. Here are just a few examples of words (so, preacher, take your choice) you may not have ...

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Jesus Obeyed His Father 20 Million Billion Times

Here's one way to look at Jesus' earthly life of obedience to God the Father. Jesus lived approximately 33½ years, or 1,057,157,021 seconds. ...

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Chinese Official Praises the Role of Christianity

In his book Civilization: The West and the Rest, Niall Ferguson interviewed a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, an arm of the Communist ...

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The Real 'Santa Claus' Rescues Three Innocents

History seems to confirm at least a few key details from the life of Nicholas of Myra, the real early church leader we know today as Santa Claus. One ...

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