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Sermon Illustrations about Righteousness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.

John Ortberg on Following God Instead of Your Gut

In a sermon, John Ortberg said:

My friend, Jimmy, and his son, Davey, were playing in the ocean down in Mexico, while his family—his wife, daughters, ...

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God Gives Before We Ask

Max Lucado writes in the “Cure for the Common Life”:

The bank sent me an overdraft notice on the checking account of one of my daughters. I ...

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Prop Illustration for Good Friday Service

Texts: Assorted texts from the Passion accounts of the Gospels and Isaiah 52:13–53:12

Principle: The weight of the sins we have committed and the ...

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An Empty Tomb Perspective

What one sees depends on where one sets up one's shop. Mine is at the entrance of the empty tomb.

—W. Paul Jones, Roman Catholic priest

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The Courageous Sacrifice of King Jesus

Most kingdoms do anything they can to protect their king. This is the unspoken premise of the game of chess, for example. When the king falls, the kingdom ...

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Barry Bonds and the Asterisk

A cloud of doubt hangs over home run king Barry Bonds. On August 7, 2007, Bonds hit number 756, the home run that broke Hank Aaron's record. Most ...

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Tim Keller on Idolatry

In an article for the Gospel Coalition, pastor and author Tim Keller offers this potent definition of sin: "Sin isn't only doing bad things, ...

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The Teacher Who Couldn't Read

Do you ever feel that if anyone found out the truth about you, you'd be finished? Do you go through life basically trying to convince others that ...

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Research on Honesty and Deceit

In 2008, New York Magazine ran a comprehensive article about research concerning kids and lying. In one study researchers gathered a group of children ...

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Waitress's Kindness Rewarded

Every day, for close to seven years, Walter "Buck" Swords cursed and stomped his feet in his favorite restaurant, Luby's Cafeteria, demanding ...

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