Sermon Illustrations about Righteousness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Righteousness to help bring your sermon to life.
The Practice of Godliness
In the movie Karate Kid, young Daniel asks Mister Miagi to teach him karate. Miagi agrees under one condition: Daniel must submit totally to his instruction ...
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Intolerance Can Be a Virtue
I was dismayed recently when I read what one senator said. This particular senator announced himself as a Republican candidate for the presidency. While ...
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Life on Displays
According to the Bergen (N.J.) Record, the zoo in Copenhagen, Denmark, recently put a human couple on display. Henrik Lehmann and Malene Botoft live in ...
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Following the Right Course
In a NCAA cross-country championship held in Riverside, California, 123 of the 128 runners missed a turn. One competitor, Mike Delcavo, stayed on the ...
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Cling Always to God
To cling always to God and to the things of God--this must be our major effort, this must be the road that the heart follows.
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Where Is Calvin's Grave?
Nearing his journey's end, Calvin gave strict instructions that he be buried in the common cemetery with no tombstone. He wished to give no encouragement ...
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The Source of Spiritual Authority
Spiritual authority flows not from titles and positions but from a life that is genuine.
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Know Your Enemy
Knowledge of what sin is in inverse ratio to its presence; only as sin goes do you realize what it is; when it is present you do not realize what it is ...
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Wealth Weats Down Morality
Wealth takes away the sharp edges of our moral sensitivities and allows a comfortable confusion about sin and virtue.
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