Sermon Illustrations about Role models
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Role models to help bring your sermon to life.
Hundreds Volunteer for Breakfast-With-Dads Event
Kristina Dove is a volunteer event coordinator at Billy Earl Dade Middle School in Dallas, Texas. She helped to spearhead a "Breakfast with Dads" ...
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Marriage Therapist: Couples Need Role Model to Inspire Them
A recent This American Life podcast features an interview between Ira Glass, the podcast host, and a marriage therapist named Esther Perel. Ira Glass ...
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Just as Mountain Climbers Need a Sherpa, So Children Need a Father
Mount Everest, the earth's highest mountain, has two standard routes used by most climbers. Both routes present a number of dangers, including frigid ...
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Best-Selling Rap Star Rages Against Absent Father
With eleven Grammy awards, Eminem is the biggest-selling rapper of the last decade. So it is clear the message in his style of music is resonating and ...
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Father Forever Changed His Son's Life by Loving God
Ray Ortland writes:
Fifty years ago my dad and mom gave me a new Bible. It was my senior year in high school, the first week of two-a-day football practices, ...
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A Boy Who Dreams of Being a Cop Calls 911 on His Dad
A Boston-area boy taught his father a lesson when he called the cops after his dad ran a red light. When Mike Richardson turned right at a red light (a ...
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Christ in You Makes You Like a Superhero
To explain how Christ in us now labors to make us more human, not less, pastor/author Rankin Wilbourne used the following illustration:
Consider two superheroes, ...
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Times Square Costumed Characters Don't Live Up To Their Image
Occasionally the costumed street performers in New York City's Times Square fall on hard times. The ordinary folks dressed up as Spider-Man, Elmo, ...
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The Gift of a Good Father
Mitch Albom, the author of the international best-seller Tuesdays with Morrie, wrote a short article for Father's Day titled "When did fathers ...
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J.J. Abrams on His Grandfather
In an interview with Esquire magazine, film producer and director J.J. Abrams (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Lost) shared that his biggest influence as ...
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