Sermon Illustrations about Sacrifice
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sacrifice to help bring your sermon to life.
Crossing Guard Saves Child from Speeding Car
When police officer Cpl. Annette L. Goodyear holds up her hand to direct traffic in front of the local middle school, drivers usually stop. But when one ...
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The Wealthy in China Use Body Doubles
In China, the extremely wealthy can avoid prison terms by hiring body doubles. Incredibly, this is true! originally broke the story of how the ...
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Retirees Volunteer in Radioactive Nuclear Plant
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was heavily damaged in 2011 by a tsunami, resulting in three meltdowns. 200 Japanese retirees volunteered to fix the ...
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How Many Smells Are There?
How many smells are there? It’s an odd question, but give it some thought. Mentally flip through the pages of your personal smell catalog. You find ...
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Remote Village Requires Surgery from Residents
If you thought the stringent requirements of your homeowner’s association were bad, don’t even think about relocating to Villas Las Estrellas. ...
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High School Runner Pushes Brother’s Wheelchair in Every Race
While most high school athletes have their family cheering for them on the sidelines, Susan Bergeman’s brother, Jeffrey, is there every step of ...
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Atonement Is in Our Blood
In a sermon on the Atonement, Will Anderson used the following illustration:
Food demonstrates how everyone benefits from a form of atonement, whether ...
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Hearing ‘Well Done’ Rewards an Exhausted Worker
In July of 2021, The New York Times ran a special 55-page section about the 2.5 million essential service workers who kept New York City alive while many ...
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Engineers on the 'Titanic' Lay Down Their Lives for Others
When the Titanic crashed into an iceberg, the ship’s resources--light, electricity, heat, and so on--instantly were in danger of failing. However, ...
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Memories of Things Long Past
In March, 1941, a nurse on Bataan received a package mailed before the world-changing surprise attack on Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Opening it, with ...
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