Sermon Illustrations about Sacrificial love
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sacrificial love to help bring your sermon to life.
Dying Father Can't Take His Eyes Off Son
Greg Boyle, author of Tattoos of the Heart, a moving book about his work with gang members in Los Angeles, claims that we all have what he calls our "touchstone" ...
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Navy Sailor Chose to Save Others
On June 17, 2017 the U.S. Navy destroyer USS Fitzgerald collided with a Philippine-flagged container ship 56 miles off the coast of Japan. But one of ...
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North Korean Escapes Internment Camp Through Friend's Sacrifice
In 2005, Shin Dong-hyuk, became the only person to ever escape from a "total-control zone" internment camp in North Korea and live to tell the ...
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The Humbling Journey from a Dignified Life to Fatherhood
Jonathan Last, a writer for the Weekly Standard, claims, that he was once reasonably dignified. "I dressed like a gentleman and luxuriated in the ...
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Child Gives Up Stuffed Moose to Keep Police Officer Safe
At a routine traffic stop last year, 5-year old Mackenzie Brown sacrificially gave up her own stuffed moose toy to a Pennsylvania police officer, hoping ...
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Developmentally Disabled Son Recognizes His Mother in Answer to Prayer
Chicago-area pastor Lee Eclov tells the following story about a woman named Cathy who had a profoundly developmentally disabled son.
When Nicholas was ...
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86-Year-Old Man Raises $400,000 Over 30 Years for a Children's Home
When Johnny Jennings of Ringgold, Georgia was 18, he made a life-changing visit to a Georgia Baptist children's home. Several children ran up to him ...
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'NY Times' Article on the Stories We Tell Ourselves
In a New York Times article titled "The Stories We Tell Ourselves," philosopher Todd May notes that we're often telling stories about ourselves—mainly ...
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God 'Kisses' Humanity in the Incarnation
Editor's Note: The following well-known illustration is usually used in the context of speaking about the church ministering in the world. But it's ...
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Father's Embrace Saves Girl from Death in Building Collapse
Rescue workers had been laboring for over twelve hours at the site of four collapsed residential buildings in China when they discovered one final survivor ...
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