Sermon Illustrations about Saints
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Saints to help bring your sermon to life.
Entombed Alive in a Stone Cell for Sainthood
Outside St. James Church in Shere, England, you will find a metal plaque marking the site of the cell of Christine Carpenter, Anchoress of Shere 1329.
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Prayer Is the Hospital for Souls
Some say that prayer, and "the spiritual life", or "the inner life", or the soul's private love affair with God, is an unaffordable ...
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We Are Made to Reflect God's Glory
Paul likens us to shining stars, and the word shine means to reflect. The scientific term is albedo. It's a measurement of how much sunlight a celestial ...
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Bus Driver Conveys Christ's Love
There was a front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle about a metro-transit operator named Linda Wilson-Allen. She loves the people who ride her ...
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What Church Membership Looks Like
In his book The Pastor, Eugene Peterson describes his wife Jan's understanding of what it means to be a pastor's wife. As I read Peterson's ...
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Four Distorted Images of the Church
The following list contains four distorted images of the church:
- The church as a gas station. For some people today, the church is a place where you fill up your spiritual gas tank when you're running low. Get a good sermon, and it will keep you going for the week.
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Missionaries Learn Valuable Lesson in Language School
Anglican priest and author Michael Green shares the following story to remind us of the impact of our actions long before our words:
I read about a missionary ...
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Church Doesn't Live Up to Its Sign
Chris Heuertz is the international director of Word Made Flesh, an organization that helps the world's poor. In his book Simple Christianity, Heuertz ...
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The Historical Rejection of Christianity
Eighteen hundred years or so of Hebrew history, capped by a full exposition in Jesus Christ, tell us that God's revelation of himself is rejected ...
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Companionship in the Lord Jesus
In Darkness Is My Only Companion: A Christian Response to Mental Illness, Kathryn Greene-McCreight describes her tortured journey through ten years of ...
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