Sermon Illustrations about Salvation by faith
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Salvation by faith to help bring your sermon to life.
How Tim Keller Discovered Christ in the Old Testament
As a young Christian, pastor and author Tim Keller said, "I found the Old Testament to be a confusing and off-putting part of the Bible." But ...
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Must-Have Christmas Gifts by Year
The website Statistic Brain has tracked the "must-have Christmas gift" for the past few decades.
In 1983 everyone had to have a cabbage patch ...
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Man Tries to Outspend His Gift Card
John Zahl writes in "A Gift (Certificate) That Never Expires”:
A few years ago, a friend and the owner of a local high-end department store ...
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The Origins of 'God Helps Those Who Help Themselves'
Comedian Jay Leno once conducted a "man-on-the-street" interview by asking random people to name one of the Ten Commandments. The most common ...
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TV Ad on the Futility of Do-it Yourself Salvation
A Lowe's [Hardware] commercial shows a proud do-it-yourselfer installing a new ceiling fan in his family's living room. After he proudly gives ...
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A Son's Ugly Gift Reveals His Father's Grace
Bryan Chapell tells a story about learning to use a crosscut saw with his father. As Bryan and his father were sawing through a log that had a rotten ...
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Young Woman Knows about Morality but Not the Gospel
The primary reason the majority of kids from Christian homes stray from the faith is that they never really heard it or had it to begin with …. ...
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Many Christians Just "Play with the Box" of God's Gift
Pastor Paul Tripp writes:
I gave birth to a son who just doesn't understand gifts. My wife and I would go out when he was a little guy to buy what ...
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Billboard Asks “Are You Good Without God?”
In 2009, a new billboard in downtown Chicago got everyone's attention, stirring some controversy. In big letters it asked: "Are you good without ...
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How NFL Rookies Make the Team
The 2010 website of the Chicago Bears football team presented a series of videos that followed the team's rookies from their first arrival at training ...
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