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Sermon Illustrations about Salvation by grace

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Salvation by grace to help bring your sermon to life.

The Cross, Not the Scales

The repeated promises in the Qur'an of the forgiveness of a compassionate and merciful Allah are all made to the meritorious, whose merits have been ...

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The Promise of Heaven

Only one person in the Bible receives a direct promise of heaven--a thief.

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Picture of Advent

A prison cell, in which one waits, hopes, does various unessential things, and is completely dependent on the fact that the door of freedom has to be ...

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Heaven Goes by Favor

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out, and your dog would go in.

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So Skeptical a Salvation

I had hoped to illustrate the availability of God's gift of salvation. "Whoever wants this beautiful Christmas poinsettia may have it," ...

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Equal Opportunity Savior

There's a wonderful story about a Chicago bank that once asked for a letter of recommendation on a young Bostonian being considered for employment. ...

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Wycliffe on Absolution

There is no greater heresy for a man than to believe that he is absolved from sin if he gives money, or because a priest lays his hand on his head and ...

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Don't Test Salvation

Christians have often disagreed over whether believers can forsake their salvation. Perhaps we should compare our situation to riding in the back of a ...

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Our Ticket to Heaven

Billy Graham said on an interview on Australian television, "I know I'm going to heaven, not because of what I've done but because of what ...

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No Other Way

When I was a teenager, the students in our high school were called together and each given a sugar cube with pink syrup on it. It was serum that had been ...

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