Sermon Illustrations about Satan
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Satan to help bring your sermon to life.
Basic Satanism
Selfishness and immorality are far more consistent with Satan's strategies than drinking blood or drawing pentagrams.
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Dangerous Overconfidence
When you are too sure of yourself, you are less on guard against the enemy. Be alert, therefore, for the devil, who, if he can claim even one hair of ...
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The Devil's Favorite Tool
I read once that the Devil was having a yard sale, and all of his tools were marked with different prices. They were a fiendish lot. There was hatred, ...
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Demonic Oppression
When I suspect demon oppression, I usually pray silently. Demons, as spiritual creatures, can "hear" whether I speak aloud or not.
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When the Devil is Dangerous
The devil is like a mad dog that is chained up. He is powerless to harm us when we are outside his reach, but once we enter his circle we expose ourselves ...
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Big Brother's Battles
My friends, you are no match for Satan, and when he wants to fight you just run to your elder Brother, who is more than a match for all the devils in ...
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Expect Obstacles
Opposition is a fact: the Christian who is not conscious of being opposed had better watch himself for he is in danger.
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News from the Battlefield
The preacher brings a report from the battlefield of the conflict between Christ and Satan. The news is that for the whole of humankind Jesus Christ has ...
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Lulled into Carelessness
Steve Green, who sang six years with Bill and Gloria Gaither, tells about getting to know some of the work crews in the large auditoriums where their ...
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