Sermon Illustrations about Self-control
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-control to help bring your sermon to life.
Wine That Used To Bring Freedom Became Bondage
In her blog post titled "So I Quit Drinking," Christian writer Sarah Bessey gives a powerful example of habits that, perhaps not sinful in themselves, ...
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Man Robs Same Store Three Times for Candy
As kids, we almost all inevitably faced the same temptation at one point or another—to slip our favorite candy bar into our pocket at the store ...
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Actor Jeff Bridges Refused Dad's Advice
In an interview for Rolling Stone, actor Jeff Bridges was asked what advice he wished he would have received at age 20. Bridges said:
I got the advice—I ...
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Popular Blogger Reproved for Stance on LGBTQ Relationships
In an interview popular blogger Jen Hatmaker was asked, "Do you think an LGBT relationship can be holy?" Hatmaker replied:
I do. And my views ...
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How to Live the Gospel: A Lesson from Tim Keller
Pastor Scott Sauls from Nashville spent five years working with Pastor Tim Keller at New York City's Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Sauls writes that ...
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Involuntary Actions Are Trained Like a Fighter Pilot
Can we be guilty for sinful responses that seem to erupt in us automatically? Can we really consider sin voluntary if it is not consciously chosen? Consider ...
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Ancient Greek Myth on the Power of Christ's Beauty
In Greek mythology, the Sirens were gorgeous but dangerous creatures who lived on rocky islands. They were part bird and part human. They've also ...
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Invasive Species Cost Us $138 Billion per Year
Be careful what you allow to grow in your heart or your soul. Sin, like invasive species, can lead to consequences we never intended. Here are a few examples ...
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Celibacy Is a Choice; Singleness Is Our Destiny
Christopher Yuan, a transformed believer whose past includes gay prostitution, says that celibacy is a choice, but singleness is each person's origin ...
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Porn Is Truly a Global Problem
While it is often stated that 90 percent of the world's pornography can be traced back to San Fernando, California, this material reaches around the ...
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