Sermon Illustrations about Self-deception
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-deception to help bring your sermon to life.
Man Finds Freedom from TV Hypnosis
A man from Scotland noticed positive changes in his lifestyle after he decided to stop watching television in the evening. 41-year-old Stephen Clarke ...
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2024 Word of the Year Fuels ‘Magical Thinking’
The word "manifest" has been named Cambridge Dictionary's word of the year for 2024, after celebrities such as pop star Dua Lipa and gymnast ...
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The Quest to Get Rid of Gray Hair
Humans have been trying to chase away gray hair for millennia. Clay tablets from the Assyrian Empire dated to the 7th Century B.C. mention using the gall ...
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Americans Desperate to Avoid Gray Hair
One-third of U.S. adults said they would probably or definitely take a drug to prevent or reverse graying if such a medication were approved, according ...
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The Codebreaker Who Busted Bitcoin’s Anonymity
Bitcoin is a digital currency that promises complete anonymity for user’s transactions on the web. Among the users of Bitcoin are speculators who ...
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White House Flip-Flops on TikTok Ban
In early March, the Biden Administration began supporting a bill in Congress that would potentially result in a ban of the social media app TikTok. White ...
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Why People Believe Their Own Lies
In an interesting piece of science, Nautilus looks at what happens to our brains when we don’t tell the truth. It turns out that the more you lie, ...
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Judge Admonishes Defendant in Reckless Killing
Judge Michelini said to the defendant, “You just don’t get it. It’s obvious to me that you feel justified. You don’t take any ...
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The Human Cost of the Sports-Betting Boom
The Supreme Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018, quickly resulting in 38 states plus Wahsington D.C. jumping at ...
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Buried Cables Leach Toxins
According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, telecom companies have left behind a sprawling network of cables covered in toxic lead that stretches ...
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