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Sermon Illustrations about Self-deception

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-deception to help bring your sermon to life.

Catch-22 of Incompetence

Most incompetent people don't know they are incompetent. In fact, researcher Dr. David A. Dunning of Cornell University reports that people who are ...

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Pay Attention to the Instrument Panel

An airplane pilot is not to trust his own instincts in a storm, but to trust the instrument panel. Instincts can be wrong if he experiences vertigo. Just ...

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The Enemy Is Us

A man's worst enemy, I tell you, will never do him the harm he does himself.

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Don't Ignore Small Snakes

For eight years Sally had been the Romero family pet. When they got her, she was only one foot long. But Sally grew until eventually she reached eleven-and-a-half ...

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Sounding the Magical Note

All preachers must struggle for that magical note somewhere between a trumpet of uncertain sound that brings no one to battle and the tin horn that thinks ...

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Desperately Wicked

The human heart has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood lurks, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often ...

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Acknowledging Sin

The man who knows his sins is greater than one who raises a dead man by his prayer.

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Hearing the Voice of God

So long as the church pretends or assumes to preach absolute values, but actually preaches relative and secondary values, it will merely hasten the process ...

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Pity vs. Self-Pity

The attractiveness of pity and the ugliness of self-pity are unarguable. Yet we live in a society in which self-pity far exceeds pity. The excessively ...

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You're a Hypocrite, Too

One of the enduring images in Christian culture is the praying hypocrite--the slave trader who reads the Bible in the hull of the ship; the preacher whose ...

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