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Sermon Illustrations about Self-importance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-importance to help bring your sermon to life.

A Stolen Throne

Sin has many manifestations but its essence is one. A moral being, created to worship before the throne of God, sits on the throne of his own selfhood ...

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Today's Testimonies

So much so-called "testimony" today is really autobiography and even sometimes thinly disguised self-advertisement, that we need to regain a ...

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Invictus Revisited

When I was young, a poem often quoted was "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley.

"Out of the night that covers me, black as a pit from pole ...

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Pity vs. Self-Pity

The attractiveness of pity and the ugliness of self-pity are unarguable. Yet we live in a society in which self-pity far exceeds pity. The excessively ...

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A Fruitless Quest

The search for self-fulfillment is endless, and endlessly frustrating.

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Self-Consciousness Hurts

When a little child becomes conscious of being a little child, the child-likeness is gone; and when a saint becomes conscious of being a saint, something ...

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Dangerous Overconfidence

When you are too sure of yourself, you are less on guard against the enemy. Be alert, therefore, for the devil, who, if he can claim even one hair of ...

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Aiming Too High

Some people get so caught up in their own holiness that they look at the Trinity for a possible vacancy.

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Heaven Helps the Humble

Christ sends none away empty but those who are full of themselves.

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Church as Equalizer

The church, God's church, is big enough, and small enough, to exalt the humble and humble the exalted.

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