Sermon Illustrations about Self-Indulgence
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-Indulgence to help bring your sermon to life.
Everybody Expects to Be Entertained
Here's how the best-selling author Michael Crichton described our need to be constantly entertained:
Today, everybody expects to be entertained, and ...
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Demise of Butterflies Results from Our Lifestyle
Monarch butterflies are of one of God's most delicate and durable creatures. Every October they begin their journey from the U.S. and Canada, arriving ...
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Bear Gets Trapped by Tempting Jar
A 100-pound young Black Bear in Jamison City, Pennsylvania got into unexpected trouble when he found an old plastic jar. The jar contained cooking oil ...
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Google Word Search Shows Rise of Individualism
A few years ago, Google released a database of over 5 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can now type a search word into the database ...
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Historian Observes Our Inflated Expectations
Historian Daniel Boorstin suggests that Americans suffer from all-too-extravagant expectations. In his much-quoted book, The Image, Boorstin makes this ...
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Customers Risk Their Lives to Eat a 10,000 Calorie Burger
Consider the foolhardy risk takers at the famous Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. This restaurant, known for its "flatliner fries" cooked in ...
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Woman's Pet Boa Constrictor Causes Her Death
A few years ago there was a fascinating but rather unpleasant story. It had all the qualities of a good mystery. A frantic 911 call brought police to ...
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Famous Board Game Reflects Our Changing Values
The hugely popular board game by Milton Bradley called The Game of Life went through the following variations—all of which reflect the changing ...
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Students Blame Sexual Immorality on Drunkenness
God gives his commands for our good. For example, God forbids drunkenness. Studies into drunkenness among college students provide a glimpse into the ...
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C. S. Lewis on the God We Think Will Satisfy Us
What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, "What does it matter so long as they are contented?" ...
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