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Sermon Illustrations about Self-justification

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-justification to help bring your sermon to life.

Why People Believe Their Own Lies

In an interesting piece of science, Nautilus looks at what happens to our brains when we don’t tell the truth. It turns out that the more you lie, ...

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25 Percent of High School Students are Gay, Bisexual, or Questioning

The CDC’s yearly youth report found that around a quarter of high school students identify as gay, bisexual, or have a more fluid sexuality. This ...

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The Dead End of ‘Your Truth’

In Oprah Winfrey’s lifetime achievement award acceptance speech at the 2018 Golden Globes, she said, "What I know for sure is that speaking ...

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Brandi Carlile's 'Spiritual Shift'

In an interview with Terri Gross, Grammy Award winning songwriter/singer Brandi Carlile was asked about her church’s refusal to baptize her when ...

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Only After Sundown

In 2013, New York City narcotics agents announced an unusual indictment of five Brooklyn men. These types of indictments are, unfortunately, commonplace ...

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The 18-Mile-Long Wire Hidden Above Manhattan

It's hard to imagine that anything literally hanging from utility poles across Manhattan could be considered "hidden." But throughout the ...

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Woman Arrested for Calling 911 After Parents Cancel Cell Service

A woman was arrested for calling 911 about her lack of cell phone access, despite being warned that doing so was abuse of the system. Seloni Khetarpal ...

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Abortion Is the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide

More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2018. A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion. Statistics compiled ...

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Seafaring Homesteaders in Hiding from Maritime Authorities

A Bitcoin trader and his girlfriend embraced a movement known as “seasteading,” where enthusiasts either retrofit or build floating homes ...

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The Craziest Late-to-Work Excuses

The rain, a pileup on the freeway—"the boss has heard them all," said Gene Marks in The Washington Post. Excuses for being late to work ...

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