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Sermon Illustrations about Self-sufficiency

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-sufficiency to help bring your sermon to life.

Actor Ben Affleck Reflects on Our Brokenness

In an interview in The New York Times, award-winning actor Ben Affleck reflected on the pressure to hide our broken areas. When he watches other movies ...

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High-Wire Walker on the Dangers of Invincibility

The Walk is the 2015 motion picture, and true story, about high-wire artist Philippe Petit. In 1974 he fulfilled his dream of walking between the World ...

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New Parachute Inventor Plunges to Death

On February 22, 1911, Gaston Hervieu climbed the Eiffel Tower to test a new parachute for pilots. He checked the wind, took a nervous breath, and began ...

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40 Percent of Men on Dating Site Claim Genius Status

There's nothing wrong with thinking that you're smart. You probably are pretty smart, and we commend your healthy esteem and belief in yourself. ...

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ER Docs Learn from a Formula One Team

What could a team of medical doctors possibly learn about practicing medicine from a Formula One racing team? If the doctors remain teachable, maybe they ...

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Ancient King Obsessed with Becoming 'Unpoisonable'

One of the greatest fears for kings in the ancient world was death by poison. Most kings made slaves pre-taste the wine to test it for deadly toxins. ...

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Google Word Search Shows Rise of Individualism

A few years ago, Google released a database of over 5 million books published between 1500 and 2008. You can now type a search word into the database ...

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Expert Says Puzzles Help Us Feel in Control

The World Puzzle Championship takes place every year at locations around the globe. In 2023 the event was held in Valladolid, Spain and drew contestants ...

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Actors Distance Themselves from Christian Upbringing

The actors Brad Pitt and Hugh Jackman both grew up in Christian homes and both men have since distanced themselves from their faith. Here's how Brad ...

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Man Born without Limbs Declares God's Goodness

In 1982, Nick Vujicic was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare genetic disorder. Nick has no arms or legs, although he has two small feet attached ...

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