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Sermon Illustrations about Selfishness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Selfishness to help bring your sermon to life.

Something More at Christmas

What is supposed to be a time of peace and good will becomes, for some, a time when the reality of human greed and folly and cruelty mocks the lovely ...

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The American Way

Abortion is not some little mistake. Abortion is a reflection of who Americans are: people in the United States are supposed to concentrate on themselves ...

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The Smallness of the Self

The smallest package I ever saw was a man wrapped up wholly in himself.

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Atheism and Piracy

If I am an atheist in my heart, making myself sovereign in place of God, and therefore arranging things in accordance with my appetites and needs and ...

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Self-Conscious Consequences

Preoccupation with the self produces a lack of self esteem, the opposite of what is intended.

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Chasing Butterflies

Clifton Fadiman, in The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes, tells a story about Valdimir Nabokov, the Russian-born novelist who achieved popular success ...

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The "Me" Generation

It is the continual assertion of individuality that hinders our spiritual development more than anything else; individuality must go in order that personality ...

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I Love Jesus, But...

I love Jesus, but want to hold on to my own friends even when they do not lead me closer to Jesus. I love Jesus, but want to hold on to my own independence ...

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Leaving Our Expectations with the Dog

Beware of the mind-set in looking to see if the church will meet your needs. ... When my family is ready to leave for church, we take certain expectations ...

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Liberty and Justice for Me

The quest for freedom is becoming personal rather than political. It is a quest of self-hood, and its outcome is no better. When self-denial goes out ...

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