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Sermon Illustrations about Service, faithful

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Service, faithful to help bring your sermon to life.

17th Century Villagers Sacrificed Their Lives to Save Others

The need for quarantine today to contain the spread of the coronavirus has reminded historians of a certain small village named Eyam in 17th Century England. ...

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Risking All in The Third Century Plague

With the world almost coming to a standstill with the spread of the coronavirus, an example of true sacrifice comes to us from the third century: A group ...

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8-Year-Old Pays Off Classmates' School Lunch Debt by Selling Keychains

Keoni Ching is like a lot of boys his age. He likes to create things, and he likes to help people. But during a recent school event, he combined those ...

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Young Married Couple in Fatal Crash Leaving Ceremony

They had their whole lives to look forward to, but the end came so much sooner than anyone expected. Having just been married in a brief ceremony five ...

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Last Place Marathon Runners Inspire Each Other To Finish

Laura Mazur and Jessica Robertson had never met before they reached the mile 14 marker at the Pittsburgh Marathon. Mazur was running her 12th marathon ...

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The Secret to Team Success is Serving Others

In his bookLeaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek explains the secret to team success. Sinek found himself amazed, even a bit humbled, by the character of the ...

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NBA’s Cookie Mom Delights with Gifts of Love

For a growing number of NBA players, the postgame highlight of any road trip across the Midwest isn’t a postgame restaurant or bar. It’s a ...

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2,000 Obituaries Reveal the Most Common Word

National Public Radio recently aired a segment on dying well and what the living can learn from the lives of the deceased. The segment featured a marketing ...

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How God Used a ‘Dead in the Water’ Sermon

One afternoon while walking through the Norfolk General Hospital, Dr. Hugh Litchfield heard his name being called from across the lobby. As a man approached, ...

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Man Trapped Inside ATM Cries for Help to Customers

A visitor to a Bank of America in Corpus Christi experienced a rather rough afternoon.

He was a contractor, there to install a lock on the bank's service ...

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