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Sermon Illustrations about Sin

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sin to help bring your sermon to life.

Searching for Compromise

[Worldly] compromise is so hard to find. It is not an issue that you easily identify, fight, picket, or bomb. It's slippery. It's illusive. It ...

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Reasons to Avoid Sin

Good men avoid sin from the love of virtue; wicked men avoid sin from a fear of punishment.

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Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner

God hates sin, but he loves the sinner.

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Lust Is the Ape

Lust is the ape that gibbers in our loins. Tame him as we will by day, he rages all the wilder in our dreams by night. Just when we think we're safe ...

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Sin Is Sin

People in general, Christian people in particular, tend to divide sins into two categories: their sins and our sins. The Bible, of course, knows no such ...

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"Good People?"

Most of the evil in this world does not come from evil people. It comes from people who consider themselves good.

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Honest Stumblers

If we have integrity, we don't hide our stumble; we don't act like we didn't.

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Natural Response to Accusation

The natural response when someone confronts us is to deny the sin and to be angry at the accuser.

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