Sermon Illustrations about Singles
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Singles to help bring your sermon to life.
Married Couples Have Better Sex than Singles
Contrary to popular opinion, married couples statistically don't have worse sex than singles, but better. In their groundbreaking study, The Case ...
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The Bible's High View of Singleness
In her book The Significance of Singleness, Christina Hitchcock writes:
A journalist named Kate Bolick wrote an article for The Atlantic magazine looking ...
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Same-Sex Marriage, Single Christians, and the Church
Christianity Today's Katelyn Beaty has a fantastic article exploring a much-needed angle on same-sex marriage. Beaty claims, "Much of churches' ...
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The Legitimacy of Singleness
I believe most Christians don't subscribe to the legitimacy of singleness. I am convinced that is the reason for so much pain and hurt in the church ...
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