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Sermon Illustrations about Slavery

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Slavery to help bring your sermon to life.

The World's 50 Million Slaves

49.6 million. According to the Global Slavery Index that's the latest estimate for the number of slaves in the world today. It could be just another ...

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How Christianity Transformed Slavery

In his book Forgive, Tim Keller tells the story of a friend of his who was a PhD student at Yale. Keller’s friend once told him that modern people ...

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How President Lincoln Grew to Hate Slavery

Abraham Lincoln biographer Jon Meacham notes, “There was no evident political gain to be had for Lincoln [to be anti-slavery]; quite the opposite. ...

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How a Beatle's Album Answers Objections to the Bible

In an interview about his recent book (2020), apologist Timothy Paul Jones was asked:

In your final chapter, you talk about how one barrier to the faith ...

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The Resurrection Proved its Power among African Americans

An article in Christianity Today traces how early African American Christianity proved the power of the Resurrection against oppression.

In their book ...

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Frederick Douglass Challenged Christians to Live Without Hypocrisy

In his 77 years, Frederick Douglass, America's most famous abolitionist, delivered thousands of speeches, wrote three autobiographies, started newspapers, ...

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Unknown Missionary Fought a Corrupt King

In his book A Selfish Plan to Change the World Justin Dillon relates the courage of a missionary couple who stood up against corruption:

In the late 1800s, ...

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The First North American Missionary—a Freed Slave

The first missionary from North America was George Liele, a former slave who left the American colonies for Jamaica in 1782 and began a ministry of preaching ...

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Scene from Film 'Lincoln' on Lincoln's Courageous Leadership

In a powerful scene during the film Lincoln, starring Daniel Day Lewis, the bloody Civil War has tested the nation's endurance, but the tide is finally ...

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The Faith and Courage of Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery on a Maryland plantation in 1822. As she grew up, she was made to work driving oxen, trapping muskrats in the woods, ...

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