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Sermon Illustrations about Social Action

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Social Action to help bring your sermon to life.

The "15-70-15 Rule" of Involvement

In his work with International Justice (a Christian ministry that works to free the victims of human trafficking), Gary Haugen says he has noticed what ...

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The Poor Can't Afford to Have "Bad Luck"

Gary Haugen, an ardent Christ-follower and the President of International Justice Mission, has seen global poverty up close for the last two decades. ...

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Global Violence Against Women and Girls

In the developing world, gender discrimination takes on violent and lethal forms.

  • Globally, 5,000 women and girls are murdered every year in so-called "honor killings" by family members who feel disgraced because a sister or daughter has seemed to act immodestly, or because they have fallen in love with the wrong guy, or because (most cruelly) they have been "defiled" by rape.

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Justice for the Poor Resembles a Broken-down Truck

To visualize the way public justice systems in the developing world "work" for hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people, I find ...

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Christianity Radically Changed View of the Poor

In his massive study of wealth and poverty in ancient society, scholar Peter Brown traces a radical shift in society's view of the poor and marginalized. ...

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Evangelism and Social Justice Should Both Get Our Attention

Editor's Note: Andy Crouch sets up the quote below with these two sentences: "These days I do not often meet Christians so passionate about evangelism ...

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Tim Keller's "Sequel" to the Good Samaritan

We're all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A despised Samaritan stops to help a man who has been beaten by robbers. One of the main ...

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Ex-Christian Praises the Church's Social Efforts

John Marks, a producer for television's 60 Minutes, went on a two-year quest to investigate evangelicals, the group he had grown up among and later ...

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Attorney Explains How We Allow Human Trafficking

People sometimes ask, How could sex trafficking happen in America's small towns or big cities? Julie Waters, a family law attorney and director of ...

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A Parable about How Our 'Help' Can Hurt Others

An African Christian leader shared the following story about his experience with receiving "help" from well-meaning American mission partners: ...

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