Sermon Illustrations about Social Concern
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Social Concern to help bring your sermon to life.
On Not Getting Used To Poverty
Dr. Robertson McQuilkin of Columbia International University tells a story about visiting his son in India. His son was working and living in the slums ...
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Tim Keller's "Sequel" to the Good Samaritan
We're all familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. A despised Samaritan stops to help a man who has been beaten by robbers. One of the main ...
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Businessman's Vision Leads to 100 Little League Teams for Underprivileged Kids
On his way to work one day, Chicago insurance broker Bob Muzikowski saw a derelict ball field full of trash in a gang-infested neighborhood. The kids ...
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Group of Mothers Makes Big Impact on Gang War Zone
In the early 1990s, gang violence erupted in Boyle Heights, a section of East Los Angeles. Eight gangs were in conflict in the parish around the Dolores ...
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Creating Change from the Bottom Up
Two weeks after the [2008 presidential] election, I traveled to India to meet Christian pioneers seeking to overturn India's institutional form of ...
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Christians as God's "Plan A"
There's over 2,500 verses in the Bible that deal with the issue of helping the poor, the sick, the hungry. God set it up that we are to address this ...
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God of the Super Bowl?
Luke DeRoeck of Chicago, in a letter to the editor: "To suggest that God really cares about the outcome of a sporting event is preposterous. Conservatively, ...
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P.R. for Churches
A small church's most effective tool for creating a good church reputation may be its willingness to help those in need.
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Other-Worldly Witness
Evangelicals who have a one-dimensional view of the mission of the church are criticized roundly by non-evangelicals and by those evangelicals who declare ...
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God's Love, Our Burden
We are challenged today by a modernized recasting of Tertullian's question: What has Boston to do with Bosnia? ... Why should we concern ourselves ...
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