Sermon Illustrations about Speaking
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Speaking to help bring your sermon to life.
Are You Listening to Me?
Hearing is a vastly underrated sense. Studies have shown that visual recognition requires a significant fraction of a second per event. But hearing is ...
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13% of Chatbot Users Just Want to Talk
Most people continue to use AI programs such as ChatGPT, Bing, and Google Bard for mundane tasks like internet searches and text editing. But of the roughly ...
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An Added Benefit from Reading the Bible
The King James Version of the Bible has been a blessing through the years to countless numbers of people, in many different ways. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ...
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Typical Family Spends Only 6 Hours a Week Together
The typical family spends just six hours together a week, thanks in part to long working hours and time spent diving down the digital device rabbit hole. ...
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Missionaries Helped Preserve Forgotten Languages
An often-overlooked effect of missionary influence has been the preservation of languages. Language is the breath of a culture, and so the death of a ...
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Actress Realized Her Need for a Listening Ear
Actress Diane Kruger (National Treasure, In The Fade) was once offered a role that required her to play a young wife and mother, experiencing the loss ...
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Teenagers’ Brains Tune Out Mother’s Voices
Ever get the feeling you're talking to a brick wall when trying to communicate with your teens? Well, a new study suggests there may be some science ...
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Scientist Admits to Space Chorizo Hoax
A prominent scientist was forced to apologize after pranking his Twitter followers with a photo. Étienne Klein posted a picture of what he claimed ...
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The Bible's Role in the Ukraine-Russia War
Russian spies are scattered throughout Ukraine. We would expect no less. But Ukrainians have figured out how to ferret out many of the Russian spies wandering ...
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NBA Announcer Mortified by Hurtful Mix-Up
On-air announcer Glenn Consor was doing what he’s paid to do at an NBA game: giving off-the-cuff commentary to the events as they unfolded. But ...
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