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Sermon Illustrations about Speaking

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Speaking to help bring your sermon to life.

Witnessing Requires Integrity

Sure we believe in freedom of speech.

You've got the right to say anything you like.

But others don't have to listen! They're under no obligation ...

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The Truth Is Mightier

The truth is mightier than eloquence, the Spirit greater than genius, faith more than education.

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When We Love, God Acts

Once I was giving a talk to all of my [Jesuit] order's houses in the Midwest. I was the third speaker on a panel of three. I'm never nervous before ...

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A Moment of Pulpit Panic

Pastor Jameson knows he used this illustration earlier but can't remember if it was at the first service or just five minutes ago.

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Words, Words, Words

The Bible tells us that the most vital and yet the most difficult thing to master is our words. It is not so much what goes in one ear and comes out the ...

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A Pastor is Critiqued

Quoted from Pastoral Life magazine: One Sunday morning a pastor got up in the pulpit and apologized for the Band-aid on his face. He said "I was ...

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Speak with Humility

Always speak as one who learns and not as one who knows.

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Preaching with Fire

Audiences will listen to a very poor voice, as long as there's fire in it.

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Spotlight the Scripture

In recent years I have become increasingly aware of the dangerous possibility of making the Word of God sensational. Just as people can watch spellbound ...

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Keep Sermons Scriptural

A sermon that is not directly drawn from Scripture is orphaned, however bright or clever it may be.

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