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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Formation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Formation to help bring your sermon to life.

What’s the Tallest Mountain in the World?

What’s the name of the tallest mountain in the world? The answer may surprise you. Most people would answer, Mount Everest, but actually it is Mauna ...

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The Bible for the Battle

Physically, this Bible isn’t much to look at. It’s about five inches long and three inches wide. It has a black leather cover, now well-worn ...

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Missions is a Team Sport

Gregory and Heidi Whitaker, missionaries to Cambodia, tell about the spiritual journey of a man named Yang:

Yang’s son, Mabt, belongs to the Bunong ...

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Vineyard Owner Explains: ‘Why We Prune the Vines’

Since 2003, Matthiasson Wines has been producing high-quality wines in the Napa region. In a recent newsletter, the Matthiasson's explained how they ...

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Martin Luther Sparked Mass Literacy

Writing systems are thousands of years old and are found in ancient Sumer, China, and Egypt. But even in the most literate ancient societies only a small ...

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Japanese Train Safety Improved by Learned Reflex

The workers on Japan’s rail system repeatedly call out to no one and point to seemingly nothing. A train driver checking his speed, for example, ...

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Inspiration for Imitators

Tim Challies writes:

Every now and again Aileen gets into cooking shows. Every time she does, it works out well for me. And for the kids. It could be Top ...

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The Russian City Swallowed by Sinkholes

The city of Berezniki, in Russia’s Ural Mountains, is slowly sinking into the earth. The city of more than 150,000 individuals was built directly ...

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Discipling the Next Generation

When Paul McCartney was a boy he auditioned for a place in the Liverpool cathedral choir. He was turned down because the choirmaster reckoned he didn’t ...

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Is Your God a Stepford God?

In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller writes:

If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could ...

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