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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Friendship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Friendship to help bring your sermon to life.

Wisconsin Resident Discovers Long Lost Sister Next Door

When Hillary Harris learned the name of her next-door neighbor, it set off some mental alarm bells, and led to an unexpected family connection.

Having ...

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Friends Make Us Feel Like We Matter

It's no news flash that friends make us happy, but Meliksah Demir, Ph.D., a professor at Northern Arizona University, has drilled down to reveal exactly ...

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NY Rapper and Florida Grandma Connect Through the Power of Words

It started with the word "phat."

Aspiring rapper and producer Spencer Sleyon, an African-American 22 year old from Harlem, was taken aback when ...

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Legal Definition of a Facebook 'Friendship'

Are your friends on Facebook actually your friends? According to an appeals court in Florida, "[l]egally, Facebook friends aren't necessarily ...

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What Happens When We Practice Hospitality

In her book Openness Unhindered, Rosaria Butterfield reminds us that the point of hospitality in the home is fellowship, not entertainment. Butterfield ...

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The Peculiar Journey of a Message in a Bottle

A glass bottle washed up on the beach, a decades-old note inside: sounds a bit like a movie, right? For Clint Buffington, that situation turned into a ...

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Researcher Tracks the 'Vanishing Neighbor' Effect

Few Americans today say they know their neighbors' names, and far fewer report interacting with them on a daily basis. Pulling data from the General ...

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Researchers Struggle to Define Friendship

The New York Times featured an article exploring our current confusion about friendship. "Ask people to define friendship—even [experts who ...

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How C.S. Lewis Critiqued and Improved Tolkien's Work

In June of 1938, J.R.R. Tolkien (The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings author) wrote a letter to his editor Stanley Unwin explaining why he was behind ...

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When the Supremes Socialize

In an article having to do with the socializing of Supreme Court justices Justice Scalia shared some of his wisdom: Ruth Bader Ginsburg fondly recalled ...

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