Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Perception
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Perception to help bring your sermon to life.
Holiness in Creation
Earth's crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God; But only he who sees takes off his shoes— The rest sit round it and pluck ...
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Unknown Peril in Culture
In Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer tells of his harrowing experience climbing Mt. Everest. On May 10, 1996, Krakauer made it to the top. He paused only for ...
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Gospel's Holy Calling
Some years ago we had a lot of denominational leaders visiting the campus where I teach. In one meeting with the faculty, we went around the room and ...
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Seeing the Unseen
Every animal on earth has a set of correspondences with the environment around it, and some of those correspondences far exceed ours. Humans can perceive ...
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Deaf to God
May 18, 1980 is one of those dates on which many of us can remember where we were and what we were doing. That was the day Mount St. Helens erupted. I ...
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God's Voice
We must tune our ears to hear God's voice. It's like the child who was told by his father during a symphony orchestra concert, "Listen for ...
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Shirley Dobson's Protector
When Focus on the Family was in its early stages and our children were young, my husband, Jim was often traveling. I had grown accustomed to his absences ...
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Finding the Real Problem
I was back in my home state of California, working as a nurse in a busy emergency room. We had a regular visitor who tugged at my heart. His name was ...
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The Ears Have It
In Character Forged from Conflict, Gary Preston writes:
Back when the telegraph was the fastest means of long-distance communication, there was a story, ...
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Talk About the Weather
I have a friend who radiates joy, not because his life is easy, but because he habitually recognizes God's presence in the midst of all human suffering, ...
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